Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace ebook

Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace. Edward N. Luttwak

Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace

ISBN: 9780674007031 | 320 pages | 8 Mb

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Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace Edward N. Luttwak
Publisher: Harvard University Press

Sep 6, 2013 - In the context of heightened economic competition, Russia, China, and America are only out to protect their own strategic interests in the Middle East. Bush's administration avoided: The two-state solution in that administration was predicated on the Palestinians building a peaceful and democratic state, one characterized by combatting terrorism and the rule of law. Mar 8, 2014 - The principle of the right of national minorities to cultivate their own language and identity within European nation-states is absolutely fundamental to peace in continental Europe, because every single nation-state in the Union is composed of territories and peoples To answer these questions, it is necessary to step back for a moment and engage in thought—something antithetical to the logic of war and revolution, but hopefully not now lacking in the White House. The regime successfully suppressed demonstrations in Dera'a, where the protests began By the time the security forces refocused on Homs in September, peaceful demonstrations had given way to armed resistance. Abstract Rebel capability and strategic violence against civilians Journal of Peace Research September 1, 2010 47: 601-614. Dec 12, 2011 - Therefore, the regime's strategy has been to maneuver elite forces to key centers of unrest and conduct large clearance operations, using selective brutality in an effort to end the crisis. By taking all If Japan is to wage a war, it will have to abolish its “peace constitution”, which was drafted and enacted under the control of the United States, as well as rescinding various rules and regulations that were made to prevent the resurrection of Japanese fascist forces. Mar 14, 2014 - We must allow at least the possibility that if a short, decisive war can bring a rapid end to a peace not worthy of the name, and substitute for this something more closely approximating an ideal peace, then such a war would not necessarily be a bad thing. May 6, 2014 - This is the logic that George W. Definitions: By "dominant", I refer to a state of Nash equilibrium whereby all A1) Religion tends to provide some positive benefits during times of peace, while severing that bonus during wars. Mar 22, 2007 - Using these data, general trends and patterns are presented, showing that the post-Cold War era is characterized by periods of fairly low-scale violence punctuated by occasional sharp increases in violence against civilians. The logic of security markets: Security governance in failed states Security Dialogue December 1, 2011 42: 553-569. Feb 1, 2002 - In the evolving context of modern warfare, a moral calculus of war will require the philosopher of war to account not only for military personnel and civilians, but also for justifiable targets, strategies, and use of weapons. That war will be fought at the strategic level, not to conquer one another's territory or to destroy each other's populations, but to alter the values and rules of the international system. Sep 10, 2013 - However, with the advent of BNW, this has completely changed, leading to a more dynamic and temporal-based strategy that moves towards the viability of early and late-game peaceful strategies. China and Once Japan launches a war with China, the United States, according to the logic of war, could not sit idle and benefit from the war. For example, an emphasis on man's reason as the cause of war is apt to ignore deep cultural structures that may perpetuate war in the face of the universal appeal to peace, and similarly may ignore inherited pugnacity in some individuals or even in some groups. Dec 21, 2012 - "There are multitudes with an interest in peace, but they have no lobby to match those of the 'special interests' that may on occasion have an interest in war." (Olson, The Logic of Collective Action) . Nov 28, 2013 - Let's analyze the US strategy toward China first. Jan 1, 2014 - A handy rule of strategy-making is to first list the assumptions that undergird the strategy's logic and to identify any risks that might interfere with those assumptions. €An inclusive, credible, and transparent presidential election will be held in 2014, allowing for a peaceful transfer of executive authority with an outcome widely accepted by Afghans.” Ryan Evans is the assistant director of the Center for the National Interest and the editor-in-chief of War on the Rocks.

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