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Beluga Whale by Rachel Anne Cantor

Beluga Whale

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Beluga Whale Rachel Anne Cantor ebook
Page: 24
ISBN: 9781627248518
Publisher: Bearport Publishing Company, Incorporated
Format: pdf

The beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) is a small toothed whale that is white as an adult. Get a plush when you donate to symbolically adopt a beluga whale and help WWF's global conservation efforts. The beluga, a medium-size toothed whale, is white, a color adaptation to its environment - it lives primarily in the Arctic. Whales in the Classroom has K-12 curriculum ideas and class projects. € Beluga whales live in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters and are sociable and vocal animals. It has no dorsal fin and has a blunt head. From there, they are led to the Arctic Coast exhibit, home to New England's only beluga whales and one of the largest beluga whale exhibits in North America. The Beluga Whale offers a whitish color and you will notice it has a type of formation to the head that is sticking out somewhat. Rod Hobbs, Beluga Research Project Leader for NOAA and Dr. Beluga Whale Conservation (0:59 min). The baby beluga whale born at Georgia Aquarium last month has died, aquarium officials said Friday. She has never mothered a calf, but underwent the first-ever beluga whale artificial insemination in 2005. Discover how the vocal, social beluga whale survives in the cold arctic environment. Beluga Whale printout/information sheet to print out and color. ATLANTA -- A beloved beluga whale at Georgia Aquarium passed away on Thursday. Malloy has found himself upstaged by a beluga whale during a tourism news conference at the Mystic Aquarium. Sea World San Antonio announced on Saturday that its two-year-old beluga whale, Stella, passed away on Friday. Meet some of the most loved animals at Georgia Aquarium: our beluga whales.

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